acZoomIn, v4.0.0
Copyright (c) 2006-2024 acDevSoftware
- 4.0.0:
Completely rewritten Back-end and Front-end Desktop of acZoomIn.
Integration of Lua scripting in addition to the internal scripting system.
- 3.2.1:
Graphic Object Info: The window shows now the computed data taken in a HTML
format. This one shows equally the comment of graphic object if it is not
Visibility of graphic objects: Addition of the following options:
Hide all except selected: To hide all graphic objects from all scenes except
the one selected.
Lock Hidden: Permit to keep a graphic object hidden, even if the entire scene
became visible.
Lock Visible: Permit to keep a graphic object visible, even if the entire scene
became hidden.
Document window: Addition of an option in the preferences not to reorder the
existing document windows when a new document is open.
Help on line: Notable improvements of help on line.
Menu File: Addition of an option in the preferences to indicate the files
number to show in the list of last opened files.
Graphic Object Manager: Under certain particular conditions, the graphic
objects list was not updated if several document windows was active.
Color buttons: In certain cases, those didn't show their tool tip of textual
indication of its associated colors.
Tools Plugin
ziExperiencePlan: Permit to show an experience plane in 3D for the
parameterized function defined like this F(p1, ..., pn) with n belonging to N.
- 3.1.0:
Graphic Object Info: System addition to get computed data from graphic object
and to show in a textual form in the Graphic Object Info window. Possibility to
export this data in a given format (text, csv).
Alias Tab: An alias tab has been added into the Graphic Objects Managers
window. This one gives the list of graphic objects which have an alias. Graphic
objects can be activated by selection.
Region of interest (ROI): All windows of ROI parameters have now location
buttons permitting to center or to scale automatically the ROI to the world
size values (of document).
Document window: The document windows show in their footer some information
concerning the world size, scenes range, and loaded datasets.
Visibility of graphic objects: A multiple graphic object can now be hidden,
with or without its associated multiple graphic objects in various scenes. A
toolbar has been added to handle this system. Moreover, the update for
visibility of graphic objects is taken in account by the history (Undo/Redo).
Expressions evaluator: A font (police) can be used to improve the legibility of
associated expression. Every tool can give one or more variables which will be
used in the expression evaluation. Some basic functions has been added:
Scalar: Max, Min, Avg, Floor, Ceil, AngleVectors, ProjectionNorm.
Vector: RotateAxis, Projection.
String: UCase, LCase, IntegerToString, Chr, Left, Right, Mid.
Programming: For, While, Bloc, SelectCase.
Tool: BoolValueFromTool, IntegerValueFromTool, ScalarValueFromTool,
VectorValueFromTool, TextValueFromTool.
Controls: Various minor display problems (buttons, etc.).
Tool Plugins
Graphic Object Info: Various tools have been modified to take in account the
hold system of computed data. Most of tools working with a scalar field give
now the minimum, average and maximum of these scalar values.
Expressions evaluator: Various tools have been modified to take in account the
variable system.
ziArrow: Every arrow can be numbered to find its scalar and vectorial data in
Graphic Object Info window.
ziSceneGrapher, ziScalarGrapher: Important improvements for the display of its
2D graph. Various graphic indicators types have been added (line, points,
values in this points, etc.).
ziAnalyser: Permit to analyze data coming from a dataset by the expressions
evaluator and to show the result in the Graphic Object Info window.
ziGraduateScaler: Permit to display a graduate scale with various units.
ziAxis: Permit to display a x,y,z axis.
Image/Animation Exporter Plugins
GIF: Permit to export a scene in the GIF format.
GIFAnim: Permit to export a scene in the GIF animation format.